Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office —

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Working Holiday Programme
  • The visa section offers as many appointments as the capacity allows. In case there are no visible appointments please try to book an appointment at a later time.
  • Citizens of the below mentioned countries may apply for working holiday visa at the German Embassy Sarajevo: Argentina / Australia / Chile / Israel / Japan / New Zealand / Uruguay
  • Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan and New Zealand may enter Germany without a visa and apply for their residence permit directly at the German Aliens authority

Please pay attention to the following information when booking an appointment:

  • Your email-address has to be valid and working! The confirmation email with the details of the appointment will be sent to this e-mail-address.
  • A print-out of this email has to be shown at the visa section for the interview. Without a print-out you may not be able to attend to your appointment. 
  • Please provide only complete applications containing all necessary information and documents.

Applications booked in an incorrect appointment category cannot be accepted.

Please note:

There should be no more than 3 months between the appointment and entry into Germany!

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