Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Chengdu

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LONG-TERM VISA (national visa): study abroad (without phd), study preparation (more than 90 days) / 长期签证(德国签证): 留学、为进入大学学习做准备(如语言班、大学预科等)、学术访问、上中学/ 语言班+上中学 (停留超过90天)

You may now schedule an appointment to apply for a long-term visa (more than 90 days) for


study abroad (without phd), study preparation


Booking an appointment will take only a few minutes. You are kindly asked to carefully read the following information, as your appointment may be cancelled if you do not meet the necessary requirements. 


  • Please book only an appointment which you are actually able to keep.   

  • Kindly note that an appointment can only be made with a valid email address. The confirmation email with the details of your appointment will be sent to the indicated address (Please check your spam/junk folder). A print-out of your confirmatione email has to be presented at the visa section in order to gain access. If you fail to do so, access will have to be denied.

  • Each applicant (as well as family members) must book an individual appointment.  

  • If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, you are kindly asked to cancel it in due time. This will help us to reduce the waiting time for our customers. 

  • The appointments offered by means of this system are the earliest available.


  • Only one appointment per person can be booked. Additional appointments for the same person will be cancelled autimatically.
  • Incomplete bookings will be cancelled automatically.


Kindly note the following information to apply for a visa:


  •  For detailed information on the application process and the respective information-sheets listing all necessary documentation, please refer to our website

  • Only residents of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Chongqing are eligible to apply for a visa at the German Consulate General in Chengdu


  • Only persons whose main destination is Germany may apply for a visa with this Consulate General.


  • Incomplete applications cannot be accpeted: the application will be returned without additional charges and a new appointment has to be arranged.


Please click on "continue" to choose a suitable appointment from the timetable. First you will be asked to choose a date. The system will then show you a list of time slots (e.g. from 9:00 until 10:00 am) that are available on the day of your choice. You may pick one appointment from the list. 

All information provided must be consistent with the information in the applicant's passport, and must be provided in the Roman alphabet. 







  • 请您在进行预约前,先确定您能够在预约的时间到签证处提交申请。
  • 请注意:只有输入有效的电子邮件地址方能预约成功!输入的电子邮件地址必须有效。您将通过此邮件地址获得预约确认函。如未收到确认函,请您检查确认函是否被发送至垃圾邮件文件夹。进入签证处时须出示该确认函的打印件,否则将不被允许进入。
  • 系统为每个申请人(包括每个家庭成员)分别生成一个预约记录。
  • 如不能在约定的时间提交申请,请提前取消预约。这样您可以帮助我们更好地规划预约,为其他申请人提供较早的面谈时间。


  • 预约日期按系统所提示的日期输入,输入日期不得早于系统所提示的日期。
  • 每个申请人只能预约一次,重复预约会导致系统删除该申请人的所有预约记录。
  • 预约时输入的信息必须完整,系统会自动删除信息输入不完整的预约。


  • 请阅读德国驻华使领馆官网(上公布的相关签证须知,了解申请签证的前提条件。
  • 德国驻成都总领事馆只受理居住地或常住地在本领区(四川省、云南省、贵州省、重庆市)的申请人提交的申请。(提示:常住地并非一定是户口所在地。)
  • 材料不完整的申请将不予受理,材料退回,免收签证费。若申请人需要再次提交申请,必须重新预约。




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