Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Addis Abeba

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Category 2: Registration for family reunion with holders of temporary residence permits (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or permanent settlement permits (Niederlassungserlaubnis) as recognized refugee / asylum seeker / resettlement refugee according to § 22 Residence Act / individual being granted residence by the supreme Land authorities according to § 23 AufenthG (Landesaufnahmeprogramm) - not for reunifications with persons with subsidiary protection status

On the following pages you can register on the waiting list for an appointment for a visa application for family reunion with a family member being awarded refugee status in Germany. You have to fulfill the following requirements:

  • applicants are not Ethiopian nationals but are habitually residing in Ethiopia or Sudan (proven by refugee registration with RRS/UNHCR, rental agreement, utility bills, school reports, other Ethiopian identity documents, etc.)
  • reference person in Germany is holding a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or permanent settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) as recognized refugee / asylum seeker / resettlement refugee according to § 22 Residence Act / individual being granted residence by the supreme Land authorities according to § 23 AufenthG (Landesaufnahmeprogramm)

Please be aware that:

The applicants and the Embassy are supported by the Family Assistance Programme (FAP) of the International Organization of Migration (IOM) to prepare the application and to facilitate the application process. IOM will contact the applicants based on the provided contact details and will accept the subsequent application as well.

After registration, you will receive the following notifications:

  1. A confirmation mail stating the reference number is sent to you within 30 minutes after registration
  2. You will be contacted by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). IOM will assists you in prreparing your application, accepts the applications on the assigned date, informs you about missing documents and conducts an interview.

To book an appointment you need:

- personal data (including passport number)

- a valid e-mail address, which will remain valid up to and including the date of the appointment and to which you have personal access

1. Please enter all data exactly as in the passport and in Latin letters.

2. Please book a separate appointment for each applicant.

3. Please make sure that you enter your e-mail address correctly, otherwise you will not receive an appointment confirmation! If necessary, check whether this can be found in your spam/junk folder.

Please note that the waiting time until an appointment can be set up is more than 12 months. Please do not ask for status updates during the aforementioned waiting time.

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