Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Addis Abeba

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Category 1: Schengen-Visa (short term, up to 90 days)

Important Information

On 29 April 2024, the Council of the European Union decided to temporarily suspend certain elements of the EU law that regulates the issuing of visas to Ethiopian nationals from 1 June 2024. Other third-country nationals applying for visas in Ethiopia are not affected by these restrictions. In particular, it will no longer be possible for member states to issue multiple entry visas. Only single entry visas can be issued. Holders of Ethiopian service and diplomatic passports are no longer exempt from the visa fee. Furthermore, the standard visa-processing period now becomes 45 calendar days instead of 15. Please note the extended processing time and submit your application in good time.

This decision follows an assessment by the Commission, which concludes that cooperation by Ethiopia in the field of readmission of its nationals illegally staying in the EU is insufficient. There is a lack of response from the Ethiopian authorities with regard to readmission requests and difficulties persist with the issuance of emergency travel documents and with the organisation of both voluntary and non-voluntary return operations.

The suspension decision is temporary but does not come with a specific end date. The Commission will continue to assess any progress made on readmission cooperation.

Dear Sir or Madam,

On the following pages, you can book an appointment to apply for a short-term visa, a so-called Schengen visa. With such a visa, you can stay in the Schengen area for a duration of 90 days within 180 days. The visa can be applied for purposeses such as: 

  • touristic visits
  • visits of relatives, friends, etc.
  • business trips
  • trainings and seminars
  • sports competitions
  • medical treatments
  • cultural and artistic events
  • student and school exchanges
  • conferences and fairs
  • transit visas

Please note: The French Embassy in Djibouti is responsible for issuing Schengen visas to persons residing in Djibouti: Boulevard du Maréchal Lyautey, P.B. 75, Tel.: +253 352503, Fax No.: +253 350007,

For applications for Schengen visas, please use the VIDEX application form in order to speed up the application process and to reduce your waiting time.

To book an appointment you need:

- personal data (including passport number)

- a valid e-mail address, which will remain valid up to and including the date of the appointment and to which you have personal access

1. Please enter all data exactly as in the passport and in Latin letters.

2. You may book an appointment for one reason only.

3. Please make sure that you enter your e-mail address correctly, otherwise you will not receive an appointment confirmation! If necessary, check whether this can be found in your spam/junk folder.

4. A separate appointment is required for each adult applicant. Children who are accompanying a parent do not require their own appointment; they will be admitted together with the parent.




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