Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Atlanta
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Please book only one time slot per person for your application. In case of multiple bookings, all of your reservations will be cancelled without notice!
To apply for a German passport or for a visa for entry into German, please DO NOT use this part of the online appointment system and return to the previous menu.
Please book only one time slot per person for your application. In case of multiple bookings, all of your reservations will be cancelled without notice!
You can book an appointment for a certification of your signature for the following topics:
Requesting a certificate of good conduct
Declaration for renouncing an inheritance
Name declarations
Application for registering marriage or birth abroad
Application for acknowledgement of a US-divorce
Declaration of Consent, respectively authorizing a Power of Attorney (“Genehmigungserklärung” or “Vollmachtsbestätigung”): someone signed on your behalf a contract or declaration without having received the power of attorney from you. You are now asked to authorize this declaration retroactively, so that the contract will be legally binding.
Simple Power Of Attorney (“Vollmacht”): power of attorney for which the individual gives a lesser authorization, e.g. power of attorney for a single legal transaction that can be revoked , e.g. simple inheritance declarations
For all other signature certifications or notarizations please write an e-mail first to with the attached document you want to have your signature certified on so we can check if that certification can be done in the Consulate General.
After successfully booking an appointment you will receive an e-mail to your submitted e-mail-address. This email contains a link to re-confirm your booking.
Unconfirmed appointments will be deleted automatically.
Please print out that e-mail and bring it to your appointment.
Please note that the use of mobile devices may result in reduced functionality or wrong bookings. We therefore recommend using desktop computers or laptops when making online appointments.
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