Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Beirut
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****Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our visa section is currently still working with limited capacities. However, we aim at helping you as quickly as possible. Appointments are being assigned for the next possible time slot, however it can taka a while until you will hear from us, due to the Corona measures in place. Thank you for your understanding.****
This appointment category is aimed at non-German persons, who were residing in Germany with a residence permit and whose residence permit expired/become invalid because of the current Corona pandemic.
Please read through the following information thoroughly and apply it to your booking:
1. Please enter all information exactly according to your passport and in Latin letters. Otherwise an appointment cannot be assigned.
2. Please fill in the following information carefully. If you enter incorrect information, you will not be granted access to the Consulate and/or your application cannot be accepted.
3. You can anter additional information on your case in the form in the designated field. Please use this possibility if there is something special about your case that you have to tell us. It is sufficient to write your remarks in the form, you don't need to send an additional e-mail after filling in the form.
After you have registered successfully, you will receive two emails:
a) Within 30 minutes you will receive a confirmation email containing your reference number.
b) As soon as you have been assigned an appointment, you will receive a separate email containing the exact date and time of your appointment.
Due to the high demand for appointments, three to four weeks can pass between the two email notifications. Please refrain from any enquiries during this time.
Please note: If the expiry of your residence permit was not related to the Corona pandemic, this appointment list is not for you. In this case, please book an appointment in one of the "regular" appointment categories (family reunion, studies, work).
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