Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Canberra

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Consular Service

Please note that the German Embassy Canberra offers a limited range of consular services only.

Since June 2015, the following consular services are handled Australia wide exclusively by the German Consulate General in Sydney:

  • German citizenship matters (e.g. applications to retain German citizenship, applications for (re-)naturalization, applications to issue a formal certificate of citizenship)
  • inheritance matters (e.g. applications for a certificate of inheritance for an estate in Germany)
  • family law matters (e.g. formal notarization of an acknowledgment of paternity under German law)

 Please contact the German Consulate General in Sydney directly regarding these matters.

Notice regarding visa applications:

The German Embassy in Canberra does not provide general or individual information on visa matters.

The Austrian Embassy in Canberra is responsible for issuing Schengen Visas on behalf of Germany in all States and Territories of Australia. As a consequence, visa applicants with residence in Australia who intend to travel to Germany as their main destination within the Schengen area have to submit their application for a Schengen Visa (intended stay of up to 90 days in a 6 months period; e.g. family visit, tourism or business trip) in person at the Austrian Embassy in Canberra or at one of the visa application centres of the service provider VFS Global. You can find more information on Schengen visa applications here:

Applications for national visas for Germany (for intended long-term stay of more than 90 days, e.g. to work in Germany, foreign spouse moving to Germany, university studies) are processed by the German Consulate General in Sydney only. Australian citizens in most cases are allowed to apply for their German residence title after arrival in Germany at the local immigration office (“Ausländerbehörde”).

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