Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Daressalam

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Appointment to hand in your previoulsy uploaded Online-Application (Family Reunion, EU-Blue Card, Skilled workers, Opportunity Card, Students, Vocational Training, intensive language course followed by studies/vocational training in Germany etc.))

Visa for the Blue Card (EU) -  and

Visa for taking up employment in Germany 

Visa for Opportunity Card

Visa for family reunion

Visa for Studies and Search for a place to study

Visa for vocational training

ATTENTION - You are only in the right place if you

I.          have already submitted your application via the Consular Services Portal
II.         the preliminary examination by the embassy has already taken place and you
III.        have received an explicit invitation to your appointment.

In this case, please book your appointment NOW and HERE and do not forget to bring the following documents - IN ORIGINAL - to your appointment: 

1. checklist applicable to your case

2. printed and signed VIDEX form for national visas
3. your valid passport containing more than two free pages
4. all original documents and certificates (e.g. birth certificates, diplomas, university degrees)

ATTENTION - all Tanzanian documents must be submitted with legalisation and official transaltion.

ATTENTION - Applications for the above mentioned categories will only be accepted after prior digital application and preliminary check via the Consular Service Portal.

 For all other residence purposes, you cannot book appointments to apply here.

ATTENTION - You must provide your passport number and complete details. If you provide incomplete information, your appointment will be cancelled and you will NOT be able to make an appointment. Appointments booked in the wrong category or applications that have not already been submitted and pre-checked via the consular services portal will automatically lose their validity. Your application will then not be accepted under any circumstances.

To book an appointment you will need

  • personal data (e.g. passport number)
  • a valid e-mail address, which will remain valid until the appointment is cancelled

As these will be required in the next step, please have them ready now.

Please note:

  1. please enter all details exactly as in your passport and in Latin letters.
  2. please arrange a separate appointment for each applicant.
  3. you may only book an appointment for one reason for travelling.

You will receive a confirmation email after booking an appointment. Please be patient for a few minutes and do not book a new appointment immediately.

An application at the German Embassy in Dar es Salaam is only possible if you have your habitual residence or domicile in the official district, i.e. in Tanzania or the Comoros. If this is not the case, you are in the wrong place. Please contact the German diplomatic mission responsible for you.

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