Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Dhaka

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waitlist registration for national visa (e.g. Family Reunion, Employment, ...) / N O appointment booking for Students / Scholarship holders and Scientists
  • Students / Scholarship holders and Scientists are not permitted to book an appointment in this category.

  • Those joining an independent language course (with no further intention of higher studies or other purpose of stay in Germany) have to apply in this category only.


Currently the waiting period for this category is approx. 15 months, except for employment visa where the waiting time is approx. 08-12 weeks. Registration is free of charge and the Embassy does not support commercial agencies.

On the following page you can register on a list to receive an appointment for a national visa (except student visa / holder of scholarship or scientists, please use the other category).


After your successful registration you will receive the following emails:

1.   Within one hour, you will receive a confirmation email with your reference number, and

2.   shortly before the appointment you might be requested to submit your complete documents electronically ( we will give you a strict deadline of 7 days once we contact you)  and then, you will receive a second email (appointment email) containing further details about the date and time of your allocated appointment.


While entering your data, please note the following:

  • All information must be entered in Latin letters.
  • Please enter all your data correctly and without any mistakes, as you will only be admitted to the Visa Section of the Embassy if your name and passport number exactly match the information in our system.
  • Your passport number must be entered in capital letters and numbers, e.g. BY123405. The passport number can be found on the upper right corner of the biometric data page of your passport.
  • Please make sure to enter your email address correctly (example:, no www in front of the email address!), otherwise you will receive neither the confirmation email nor the appointment email!
  • Your appointment request will not be considered if you provide inconclusive details (e.g. passport number or telephone number).
  • Details once entered cannot be changed. In such a case you will have to cancel the registration and make a new one.


Note that the Embassy cannot answer queries for special appointments or change of appointment dates.

You will find relevant information about the required documents and application forms on our website.

To continue, please click on “new appointment” below.

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