Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Hongkong

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Consular certifications

Appointments for consular certifications


Dear valued visitor,                     

On this page you may book an appointment for consular certifications. These include: certificates of life for the German pension insurance, certificates of residence, certificates to apply for a Hong Kong certificate of good conduct and translations of German diriver's licences for the Transport department.

Tax refund can only be done on an exceptional basis (only if you were not able to get the German Customs stamp, proof has to be submitted).

For export certifications/tax refund, all the exported goods have to be presented with their original receipt.



If you have any questions concerning the necessary documents, which may not be answered by our website, please contact us via E-Mail:

Please arrive on time to your appointed timeframe. In case of being late, you may not be admitted. In order to book an appointment, your passport details are required. Zur Buchung eines Termines ist die Angabe Ihrer Passdaten erforderlich.


To book an appointment, please click on the "continue" button.

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