Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Kampala
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The German Embassy can only accept applications if you have your usual place of residence in Uganda or South Sudan holding a valid residence permit (e.g. work visa). If this is not the case you are not eligible to apply. In that case your appointment will be deleted.
This visa is required for:
- studies/ scholarships/ research
- language course (longer than 90 days)
- work (except Blue Card (EU), employment as a skilled worker with academic or professional training)
- apprenticeship
The requirements lists and the application forms for the different purposes of travel to Germany can be found on our website : It is important to carefully read through the particular requirements list for your purpose of travel.
Please note that all required documents must be submitted at the point of application. The German Embassy will not be able to process your visa application if your documents are incomplete, in which case you will need to book a new appointment.
Please note that the passport number of the applicant is a mandatory field on the electronic booking form. If the passport number of the applicant is not entered correctly, the appointment is considered null and void!
Please book only one time slot for your application. In case of multiple bookings, all of your reservation will be cancelled without giving notice and you will be blocked for further bookings.
Please do not book an appointment if you are not familiar with the visa application process.
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