Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Kopenhagen

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Working Holiday Visa

Welcome to the appointment booking system of the German Embassy Copenhagen!

Important notice:
Appointments in this category can be booked for up to four weeks in advance. If you cannot see a free appointment, this means that the appointments are fully booked.
Cancelled appointments may be released at short notice.
In this category we offer appointments on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


In order to file an application for a national visa you need an appointment.

By offering this appointment booking system the Embassy will be able to ensure an orderly process. You also have the benefit to book an appointment that suits you best without any unnecessary waiting periods.

Before booking an apointment, please check exactly what kind of documents are required for your application by visiting our website

Applications can only be accepted if you provide all the documents listed on our website.

Please book an appointment only for the service your require, in the correct category and only if you are able to foresee that you can keep the appointment. If you are unable to keep the appointment you booked please cancel the entry via the link that will be given to you in an e-mail which confirms your booking. This will help the Embassy to offer appointments in a contemporary way.

The appointment booking is free of charge and can easily be done by yourself. The booking could also be done by a person of your confidence if you wish so, but the appointment has to be kept by the applicant in person.

To avoid unnecessary waiting periods for you and other visitors, please arrive at the Embassy on time for your appointment and report to security at the entrance.


The address of the Embassy is: Göteborg Plads 1, 2150 Copenhagen Nordhavn


Please click on "continue" to continue your booking.

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