Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Los Angeles
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You need a signature certification for:
- the renunciation of an inheritance? (NO APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF INHERITANCE)
- the approval of a notarial contract?
- a power of attorney?
- approval of an entry or change in the commercial register?
For the signature certification, please bring the following with you:
the document to be signed (the foreign representations cannot formulate this for you), which you should only sign at the foreign representation in front of the consular officer
for approvals, also the already concluded contract
a valid official photo ID (passport, ID card, or US driver's license)
if you are not signing in your own name, but on behalf of, for example, a company, a ward, etc., additionally provide proof (in original or certified copy) that you are authorized to represent the company/person
proof of residence (US driver's license, rental agreement, electricity bill, or similar)
Please note that signature certifications and identity checks for account openings, account closures, credit grants, or similar may not be carried out by German foreign representations.
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