Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — New York

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Certifications of signatures

Please make an appointment in this category if you need a certification of your signature on a document for usage in Germany (for example on a declaration of consent, to renounce an inheritance, or similar cases).

In order to certify your signature at the Consulate the following documents are required:

  • the document on which your signature should be certified
  • if applicable: additional documents concerning the legal act in Germany (for example the contract to which you want to declare your consent)
  • your current passport
  • proof of your current address in the USA

The fees for certifying your signature amout to 56,43 Euros payable in US-Dollar according to the Consulate's exchange rate (usually between 57 and 60 US-Dollars). Payment in cash is preffered.

The Consulate cannot certify signatures when granting a full power of attorney or on forms provided by banks.

Please contact us in advance via email at should you have any questions: legal[at]

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