Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Peking
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Other National Visas ( for attendance of a school, self-employed managers, Chinese chef/cook, Au-Pair, Volunteers, Internships, language course (not in preparation for university studies))/ 长期签证: 公司独立法人、厨师劳务、互惠生、志愿者、实习、纯语言班签证(不是以留学为目的语言班课程)
Please note: There is a separate appointment category for national visas to attend a high school in Germany. If you would like to apply for a visa to visit a high school, please use the "attending high school" category to book an appointment.
- Please fill in all details concerning the applicant in letters (no Chinese characters) according to the passport of the applicant
- Please schedule an individual appointment for each applicant (also for children). Only customers with valid appointment will be granted access to the visa section.
- Appointments are only available as proposed by the scheduling system; earlier appointments are not possible.
- Your email-address has to be valid and working! The confirmation e-mail with the details of the appointment will be sent to this address within two hours.
- All information about the visa procedure and the documents you have to present together with your visa application is available at (
- 签证申请人的所有个人信息必须以护照为准且用英文字母而非汉字输入。
- 请为每个申请人(包括儿童!)单独预约。只有预约的申请人才能进入签证处。
- 预约的日期不得早于系统所提示日期。
- 提供的电子邮件地址必须正确有效!预约成功后,最迟两小时后您会收到一封确认电子邮件。
- 提交申请前,请参阅德国使馆网站(了解关于签证申请流程及申请所需材料的相关信息。
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