Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Podgorica

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Work visa for citizens of the Western Balkan countries with PRE-APPROVAL (Vorabzustimmung) on behalf of the German Federal Labor Agency

Employment according to Section 26 Paragraph 2 of the Employment Ordinance (“Western Balkans Regulation”) only with PRE-APPROVAL (dt. "Vorabzustimmung") issued by the Federal Employment Agency

If you have a pre-approval (dt. "Vorabzustimmung") according to Section 26 Paragraph 2 of the Employment Ordinance (so called Western Balkans Regulation) from the Federal Employment Agency, you may book an appointment here. Please only register if you have prepared all necessary documentation for the visa application, as incomplete documentation can lead to your application being rejected. You can find an overview of the required documents here. Please note that incomplete or incorrect information indicated in frames of the registration process will result in you being refused entry to the Visa Section. Applicants without the required pre-approval from the Federal Employment Agency are not permitted to apply. In particular, the first and last name as well as the passport number must be correct and match your currently valid documents.

It is neither necessary nor sensible to commission third parties to book the appointment.


Applicants with a citizenship of a Wester Balkan State other than Montenegro: 

In order to be eligible to apply for a visa at the German Embassy in Montenegro, third country applicants must provide a valid residence permit. Further, they need to provide sufficient proof that Montenegro has been their place of habitual residence for at least six months prior to applying for a visa.




Zapošljavanje na osnovu člana 26. stav 2. zakonske odredbe o zapošljavanju („Uredba za zapadni Balkan“) samo uz PREDSAGLASNOST (Vorabzustimmung) Savezne agencije za zapošljavanje / Bundesagentur für Arbeit



Ako ste u posjedu PREDSAGLASNOSTI ("Vorabzustimmung") Saveznog zavoda za zapošljavanje u skladu s članom 26 (2) BeschV, ovdje možete rezervisati termin. Registrujte se samo ako ste u potpunosti pripremili svu potrebnu dokumentaciju za zahtjev za vizu, jer nepotpuni podaci mogu dovesti do odbijanja vašeg zahtjeva. Ovdje možete pronaći pregled potrebnih dokumenata.----LINK----

Napominjemo da će nepotpuni ili netačni podaci prilikom registracije rezultirati odbijanjem ulaska u odjeljenje za vize.

Podnosioci zahtjeva bez potrebne PREDSAGLASNOSTI Saveznog zavoda za zapošljavanje ne mogu predati zahtjev za vizu. Konkretno , ime i prezime, kao i broj pasoša moraju biti tačni i u potpunosti odgovarati vašim trenutno važećim dokumentima. Ne možete ispraviti podatke o registraciji; morate otkazati registraciju i zatim se ponovo registrovati sa tačnim podacima.

Angažovanje trećih lica za rezervaciju termina nije potrebno.

Podnosioci zahtjeva koji su državljani druge države Zapadnog Balkana (ne Crne Gore) moraju u osnovi dokazati da su imali svoj zakonit uobičajeni/stalni boravak u Crnoj Gori najmanje šest mjeseci koristeći važeću crnogorsku boravišnu dozvolu.

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