Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Shanghai

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Waiting list for ICT Card / 公司内部调动交流等候名单

On the next page you can register on the waiting list for the appointment to apply for a visa in the category "ICT Card".

Note on the EU Blue Card waiting list: Since October 14, 2024, your applications will only be accepted via the Consular Services Portal. Please use the Consular Services Portal to prepare your application online and enter it on the waiting list. You can still add family members who are to travel with you individually to the "Family Reunion" waiting list.

In the Consular Services Portal, you upload your documents step by step. You can then put your application on the waiting list and receive information when your visa office can review the application and you can therefore submit the online application. You will then receive digital feedback from us as to whether your documents are complete. You can correct your documents later on if necessary.

You will then receive a message to book an on-site appointment for applicants with an online application. These appointments can then be booked in sufficient numbers without long waiting times. The appointment is quick and efficient: you show the required original documents, provide your biometric data (fingerprints and photograph) and pay the fee.


What information do you need for the appointment to apply for a visa in the category "ICT Card"?

  •     Your personal data
  •     Your passport number
  •     A valid e-mail address
  •     Details of your family members, if they are traveling to Germany with you (name and passport number)

What you need to consider:

 Please enter all details exactly as in your passport and in Latin characters.
You must enter your data correctly and without errors, as you will only be admitted to the visa section if your name and passport match exactly.

→ Your e-mail address must remain valid up to and including the date of the appointment. You must have personal access to this e-mail address. Make sure you enter your e-mail address correctly (example:, no www in front of the e-mail address!), otherwise you will not receive a confirmation e-mail about the registration and subsequently no notification about the appointment!

→ Please also enter each family member who is to travel with you individually in the "Family reunion" waiting list.

What happens next?

Once you have successfully registered, you will shortly receive an e-mail confirming your booking. Please check its receipt (possibly also in the spam/junk folder, so it should not be deleted immediately).

It is not possible to correct or change the details of a registration. If you find that you have provided incorrect and/or incomplete information, please cancel your registration and then register again.

When will you receive an appointment?

The notification with the exact dates of the appointment will be sent to you approximately 2 weeks before the appointment.

Please make absolutely sure that the e-mail address you entered when registering is valid until the date of the appointment. If you change your e-mail address after registering, you will unfortunately have to cancel your existing entry and re-register.

We are currently unable to provide any information on the current waiting time for appointments. Please understand that inquiries about your registration cannot be answered due to the high workload. All resources are needed to reduce waiting times.

In the event that your scheduled appointment cannot take place due to circumstances the Consulate General cannot take the responsibility for (i.e. office closure at short notice due to exteme weather warnings etc.) the Consulate General will offer you an alternative timely appointment. Opening hours and information at short notice will be published on the website of this Consulate General Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai

***Please click on "New appointment" at the bottom of this page to join the waiting list ***.

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