Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Tirana

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Visa for Working Holiday (jo për shtetasit shqiptarë/not for Albanian nationals)

Please only book an appointment here if you want to apply for a visa for “WORKING HOLIDAY”. Applications for any other category will not be accepted.

The Embassy provides sufficient appointments for self-booking in recurring periods. Please book your appointment not earlier than three months before the planned start of your stay, otherwise your visa application cannot be processed immediately.

Please enter your personal data in Latin letters according to the declaration in your passport. The e-mail address you enter must be valid, as you will receive an e-mail confirming your appointment. Bring a print of this e-mail with you to the visa office, otherwise the appointment cannot be granted.

On the day of your appointment, please bring one fully completed application form, your passport, 2 biometric photos and all the documents listed in the information sheet, sorted.

In the appointment overview you can book a free appointment of your choice (the next one or a later one if you wish). You choose a day and a time slot (e.g. 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.). Please understand that appointments earlier than those shown here annot be arranged (not even by e-mail or fax). In order to avoid unnecessary waiting times for you and other visitors, please appear at the Embassy at the beginning of the time slot and report to the entrance of Visa Section 2, Rruga Otto von Habsburg.

Please click on "continue" to book your appointment for submitting a visa application.

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