Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Tokyo

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C-Visa / Schengen / short-time stay (up to 90 days)

Important information regarding necessary documents, application and picture you will find at our webpage:

Japanese citizens in possession of a valid Japanese passport do not need a visa for airport transit, tourist or business trips (for stays up to 90 days) to Germany. However, the validity of their passport has to last until at least three months after the intended date of departure from Germany. The passport must have been issued within the previous 10 years.

Applications will only be taken by legal residents who live in the jurisdiction of the Embassy Tokyo. If you just moved to Japan and only for a temporary time in Japan we do not accept applications. 

Please use the application form in German or English. Third language forms can’t be accepted.

Please come on time. Please don't take a waiting number. You will be called at your appointment time.

Please be sure to bring all required application documents with you to your appointment - as well requested copies in DIN-A4 format. 
Applications that are not adequately prepared will be decided based on the files and may result in rejection.

Special appointments are only granted for emergencies such as death or severe sickness of a close family member. A privat/business journey is not considered an emergency.

Appointments will be available only six weeks in advance. If there are no appointment available, the appointments in the next six weeks are aleady booked. 

Please note, we do not reply to e-mails with the requests for an appointment, if it is not a proven emergency as mentioned before.


IMPORTANT TO KNOW for your day of the appointment:


Arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment - if you arrive late, entry will be denied! 


VIDEX Application form has to be printed out (all pages) and signed on each page, where mentioned.


Signature must correspond to the signature in the passport


Do not staple the documents - do not put any notice stickers on the papers/documents


Only DIN-A-4 copy pages are accepted


Photo MUST comply with the requirements (please see webpage) - not older than 6 months, not digitally altered


LETTERPACK 520 ( Japan Post) wih your address AND telephone number, your address readable in romanji or English (keep the tracking number)




有効な日本国旅券を所持している日本国籍者は最大90日間ビザ不要でドイツに入国することができます。 だたし旅券にはドイツ出国日から先3ヶ月以上の残存有効期間が必要です。 さらに旅券は最近10年以内に発給されたものでなくてはなりません。

緊急の場合、例えば近親者の死亡や重病の場合に限り、特別な予約枠で対応します。 私用の旅行や業務出張は緊急事態とは認められませんので、照会には回答いたしません。 緊急の場合に特別な予約枠を必要とする場合、問い合わせフォームからその旨連絡してください。

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