Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Wellington

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Certification of signatures or copies and collection of certificates


Welcome to the Appointment Booking System of the German Embassy Wellington!

You need an appointment for the certification of signatures or copies - e.g. in the context of confirming a contract signed in Germany, POAs, name declaration, birth registrations, marriage registrations, applications to retain the German citizenship, renouncing an inheritance, police clearance certificates and proof of life certifications.

You also need an appointment to pick-up your certificate in citizenship matters.

This category is not for passport or visa application. Please use the respective category for those appointments.

Please refer to our website for all necessary information:

Please read the information provided carefully before you make an appointment.

If you wish to apply for more than one person at the same time you will need to book one appointment for each person.

In case you are not able to keep the appointment, please cancel the appointment using the link provided in your booking confirmation e-mail.

Booking an appointment is free of charge. It can also be done by another person (e.g. family member, friend), but you will have to appear in person at the Embassy on the day of your appointment.

Please note that due to security concerns larger bags (larger than a standard handbag or briefcase or a day pack) cannot be brought onto the Embassy premises. Please make arrangements to leave larger bags in safe storage elsewhere.

The Embassy is located at:

Hobson Street 90-92 Thorndon Wellington 6011

Please press "continue" in order to proceed with your booking.

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