Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Windhuk
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Schengenvisa - short stay (up to 90 days)
Please make an appointment in this category only if you plan a short term stay in Germany (and other Schengen countries) for max. 90 days.
If you plan to stay longer than 90 days please make an appointment in the "national visa"category.
For information and specific information leaflets with regards to your visa application refer to our website.
Please read the information provided thoroughly and prepare your visa application including all relevant documents.
The respective information leaflets provide a check list for your own use to make sure your application is complete.
Only complete applications can be accepted.
When booking your appointment please keep in mind that applications should be handed in timely before the intended travel date.
Processing time is up to 15 days.
In exceptional cases proceedings may take longer. Applications will be accepted 6 months before the intended travel date at the earliest.
Each applicant needs his/her own booking for an appointment. (Example: 1 Person = 1 appointment / 3 persons = 3 appointments / parents and 2 children = 4 appointments)
please book only 1 appointment per person providing the correct passport number (during the booking process you are asked to enter the passport number twice)
entry to the consulate is permitted 30 minutes prior to your booking with printed booking confirmation and passport in order to check the correct number
if you are late we will not be able to attend to you - we are asking for understanding in the interest of all applicants
if you are unable to keep your appointment please cancel this appointment immediately
if you do not receive a confirmation of your appointment booking please also check your e-mail's SPAM folder.
As of 07.02.2025 the external service provider VFS Windhoek will collect visa applications for travelers with destination AUSTRIA. The applications will be handled by Austrian Embassy Pretoria. Please take note that VFS will charge a facilitation and courier fee for shipping the application to Pretoria. A minimum facilitation period of 15 days does apply.
Further information can be found here:
VFS Windhoek
Auas Hills Retirement Village, Montreux Street - Windhoek
Please click on "Continue" to book an appointment for your visa application.
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