Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Zagreb

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Izdavanje viza državljanima trećih zemalja radi privremenog pružanja usluge u Njemačkoj (vize „Vander Elst“)

Please read carefully before booking an appointment: 

All information provided must be consistant with the information in the applicant's passport, and must be provided in the Roman alphabet. 

The provided email-address has to be valid and working! The confirmation email with the details of the appointment will be sent to this address! A print-out of your confirmation email has to be shown at the visasection at the time of your interview. 

Please note that appointments cannot be booked by e-mail or phone. The appointments offered on this system are the earliest appointments possible. Unfortunately, waits on an appointment might be extended due to high season. 

Please be on time! This means you should arrive at the Embassy at the beginning of your individual time slot. Late comer's admission can not be garanted. You might be requested to book a new appointment. 

Please click on "weiter" to choose a suitable appointment from the timetable. First you will be asked to choose a date. The system will show you a list of available time slots for the specific day. You may pick one appointment from the list.



Napomene za rezervaciju termina: 

Sve podatke o podnositelju zahtjeva unesite na latiničnom pismu u skladu s podacima u putovnici. Trebate unijeti važeću adresu e-pošte - poslat ćemo Vam e-mail s potvrdom rezervacije termina. Ispisani primjerak tog e-maila ponesite na termin u Uredu za vize. 

U popisu termina možete odabrati slobodan termin koji Vam odgovara: odaberite dan i vrijeme. Nije moguće ugovoriti raniji termin od onih koji su ponuđeni u popisu (ni e-mailom ili faksom/telefonom) te Vas stoga molimo za razumijevanje. Kako Vi ili drugi posjetitelji ne biste nepotrebno čekali, molimo Vas da u Veleposlanstvo dođete točno u dogovoreno vrijeme i prijavite se na ulazu Ureda za vize. Ako ste rezervirali termin na koji ipak ne možete doći, molimo da ga što prije stornirate ili ugovorite novi termin. 

Za nastavak rezervacije termina kliknite na „weiter“.

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