Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Addis Abeba


Please choose a category

Category 1: Schengen-Visa (short term, up to 90 days)

Category 2: Registration for family reunion with holders of temporary residence permits (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or permanent settlement permits (Niederlassungserlaubnis) as recognized refugee / asylum seeker / resettlement refugee according to § 22 Residence Act / individual being granted residence by the supreme Land authorities according to § 23 AufenthG (Landesaufnahmeprogramm) - not for reunifications with persons with subsidiary protection status

Category 3: National Visa - Family reunification and re-entry visas (stay more than 90 days)

Category 4: National Visa (stay more than 90 days) - other purposes than family reunion (opportunity card, work permit; also with advance approval according to § 81a AufenthG/Students/scholarship holders/PhD/Au-pair/voluntary social year/etc.), Category 5: National Visa (stay more than 90 days) - other purposes than family reunion (work visas; also with advance approval according to § 81a AufenthG/Students/scholarship holders/PhD/Au-pair/voluntary social year/etc.)

Category 5: Holder of Diplomatic and Service Passports and staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the African Union, the United Nations, Embassies and EU Delegations