Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Taipei
Please choose a category
National long-term visa: Family reunification and employment (blue card, training, internship) / 長期簽證:依親及工作 (藍卡,培訓,實習)
National long-term visa: Exchange students (exchange usually 1-2 semesters) / 長期簽證:交換學生 (前往德國交換一至兩個學期)
National long-term visa: Long-term students (Bachelor/Master/PhD) / 長期簽證:正式學生 (學士/碩士/博士)
National long-term visa: Other (researchers, scientists, language course, work&holiday, voluntary service, au pair, opportunity card) / 長期簽證:其他停留目的 (研究人員,學術人員,語言進修,打工度假,志工,互惠生,機會卡)
Employees TSMC/ESMC, suppliers and family members, if applicable: family reunion / TSMC/ESMC 員工,供應商,以及若有家眷,依親