Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Amsterdam
Please choose an area
You can book an appointment at the Consulate General in Amsterdam for the following purposes:
- German passports and ID cards
- visa application as well as certificates for student blocked accounts
- attestation of signatures and copies
If you cannot see any available appointments in the system, it means that all appointment are booked. Please try again later, in a few days or weeks.
Appointments are activated gradually. The reason for the long waiting times for appointments are rising numbers of applications and spatial restrictions.
On the next page you can book your visa appointment. To do this, select a day and time slot. If there are no available dates, it means that all available dates are fully booked. Please try again later. It is not possible to arrange any appointments other than those shown here (even by email or telephone). Such requests will NOT be answered.
If you make an appointment for a category other than visa, the appointment cannot be kept.
New appointments are regularly activated in the appointment system. There are no additional appointments available. Please do not ask for special appointments. These requests will not be answered. New appointments are regularly activated in the appointment system. There are no additional appointments available. Please do not ask for special appointments. These requests will not be answered.