Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Erbil

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Visa / ڤیزا

Welcome to the online appointment system of the Consulate General Erbil.

You need an appointment to apply for a visa.

Through the appointment system, the Consulate General is able to ensure a regular and orderly flow of visitors at all times. You have the advantage of being able to book an appointment that suits you and have a fixed appointment at the Consulate General without long waiting times.

The appointment booking system is free of charge.

The booking options are the same for all customers. Intermediaries or agencies do not have special or preferential access to our appointment system; offers advertising this are not serious. Keep in mind that when you reserve an appointment through an agency, you are making yourself dependent on the agency to the extent that it is not your e-mail address that is provided in the appointment reservation, but the e-mail address of the agency. This means that you have no access to the appointment reservation, even if the reservation is in your name, because the automated appointment system sends messages only to the agency's e-mail address. Thus, you are not able to determine for yourself whether the appointment has actually been booked and confirmed or canceled upon request, but are dependent on the agencies' willingness to cooperate and may be exposed to their financial demands.

If you are unable to keep an appointment because you did not have access to the agency's e-mail address, this does not entitle you to a special appointment. It is therefore strongly discouraged to give up control of the appointment reservation.

Before booking an appointment, we kindly ask you to carefully read the information on family reunifications with German citizens, EU citizens residing in Germany (freedom of movement) or foreigners with a settlement permit. You can find this information as well as corresponding leaflets on the Embassy's website!

Incomplete applications cannot be accepted, the application will be rejected free of charge and a new appointment must be made. Please book an appointment only if you expect to be able to keep it. If you are unable to keep your appointment after all, please cancel it. This will help us to schedule appointments so that we can offer all customers appointments as close to the time as possible. In any case, you must come to the Consulate General Erbil in person for the booked appointment.
