Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Osaka-Kobe
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Appointments for applications for 下記手続きの予約:
1. Authentication of signature / 署名認証手続
2. Certification of copies or consular certificates / 各種証明手続
Please note that this appointment system cannot be used to book an appointment for registrations of birth, marriage or the application for a certificate of no impediment to marriage or recognition of a foreign divorce decree. In these cases, please contact the Consulate to schedule an appointment via e-mail:
こちらの予約フォームでは、出生届、婚姻登録、婚姻要件具備証明書、離婚の承認の申請予約はできません。これらの手続きをご希望の方は、総領事館までメールでご連絡の上、個別に予約をお取りください。メール送信はこちらから: (日本語)
Appointment system for application for German passports and ID cards.
One appointment lasts 30 minutes and can be used for up to two applications within one family. If you would like to make 3 or 4 passport applications within one familiy, please book two consecutive appointments. Please note that multiple bookings are otherwise not permitted and will result in the cancellation of all booked appointments.
Appointment system for visa applications (longterm visa and Schengen visa)
A separate appointment must be booked for each traveler. Please limit yourself to a maximum of one appointment booking per applicant to not block the appointment availability for other customers. In case of multiple appointment bookings per applicant, all appointment bookings will be cancelled. When booking your appointment, please make sure to enter your personal data and passport number correctly, otherwise you will not be granted entry to the Consulate.
If there are no free appointments available, capacities are exhausted. Please understand that no earlier appointments can be scheduled than those shown (neither by email nor by phone). Please check the appointment system again later. New appointments will be released on a regular basis. Special appointments can only be scheduled in emergencies such as the death or serious illness of a close relative. Your private / business trip is not an emergency and appointment requests in this regard cannot be answered. If you need a special appointment for emergencies, please contact us via the contact form.
空いている予約枠が表示されない場合、予約枠が一杯になっています。また、予約システムで表示されているよりも早い日時の予約をメール・電話などで取ることはできません。新しい予約枠は定期的にオープンされますので. 時間をおいて再度予約システムを確認してください。特別枠での予約は、近親者の死亡・危篤などの緊急時にのみお取りします。個人的旅行や出張は緊急時とは認められないため、特別予約の問い合わせをいただいても回答いたしません。緊急時の特別枠での予約をご希望の方は、ウェブサイトの問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。