Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Pressburg

Please choose an area

Passports and ID cards, residence in Slovakia

German Passports and ID Cards, residence in Slovakia


Please book an appointment in the section passports and ID cards if you:

- are a German citizen residing in Slovakia and need a new passport/ID card (if you are a German citozen residing in Austria, pease book your appoinment in the extra section, otherweise your appointment will be cancelled)

- are a German citizen transiting Slovakia and need an identity document for your onward journey.

On our website you will find detailed information on how to apply for German passports and other consular requests. Please read this information carefully before booking an appointment.

Please note that the following languages are spoken at the embassy: German, Slovak and English. If you are not able to communicate in one of these languages, make sure to bring an interpreter with you.

Click "Continue" if you wish to proceed with the appointment booking process. Please complete a separate appointment registration for each applicant. Registration requires that you provide personal information (including last name, first name, email address). Please provide this information completely and correctly, otherwise you will not be able to access the German Embassy.




Welcome to the appointment booking system of the German Embassy in Pressburg

Effective January 1 2021 section 26 II of the German employment regulation (Beschäftigungsverordnung/BeschV) has been modified. Visa applications of citizens of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North-Macedonia and Serbia who have been offered an employment in Germany and whose vocational or academic qualifications that they obtained abroad (i.e. outside Germany) have not been vetted as being equivalent to German qualifications will be accepted only if the application is made at the German Embassy in one of the a.m. countries and if the applicant holds his/her residency in such country. It is no longer possible to apply for the visa at the German Embassy in Ljubljana in the a.m. cases and the assignment of appointments has been discontinued.

You can book your appointment in a few easy steps. On the following page you will start by deciding in which category you must register depending on the purpose of your stay in Germany. There are three categories to choose from:

  • Category I: Appointment for all types of visa but “Vander Elst and Working Holiday” (i.e. family reunion, studies, employment of skilled workers in a qualified profession, professional driver according to § 24a BeschV, Opportunity Card)
  • Category II: Appointment for visa under the so-called "Vander Elst"-regulation for individuals who are posted to Germany temporarily by their Slovsk employer in order to provide a short-term service (§ 21 der Beschäftigungsverordnung (BeschV)).
  • Category III: Appointment for a Working Holiday visa


Please click on »continue« if you want to start the booking process. Each applicant must book separately. You will be asked to provide some personal information, e.g. the number of the applicant's passport, the number of the applicant's Slovak residence card and an email-address. Please note that it is mandatory to provide complete and correct information as otherwise access to the Embassy will be denied.

Registration is free of charge.




other consular services

Please book an appointment in the section other consular services if you are a resident of Slovakia and have a consular request, for example the certification of a signature e.g. for


- declaration of consent of a contract already notarized in Germany

- applications regarding the commercial and trade register

- criminal record

- application to register a birth or marriage in Germany

- name declarations


On our website you will find detailed information on how to apply for German passports and other consular requests. Please read this information carefully before booking an appointment.

Please note that the following languages are spoken at the embassy: German, Slovak and English. If you are not able to communicate in one of these languages, make sure to bring an interpreter with you.

Click "Continue" if you wish to proceed with the appointment booking process. Please complete a separate appointment registration for each applicant. Registration requires that you provide personal information (including last name, first name, email address). Please provide this information completely and correctly, otherwise you will not be able to access the German Embassy.
