Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Seoul

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Appointment-system German Embassy Seoul ENG/KOR

Here you can book an appointment for the following businesses:

하기 업무 관련 예약을 할 수 있습니다:

> marriage or birth - 혼인/출생신고

> passports and ID-cards - 여권/신분증 - only German citizens

authentications / 공증

> visa -비자 - only for foreigners to Germany/Schengen 

Schengen Visa (short-term, up to 90 days): e.g. tourism, conferences/fairs

National Visa (long-term): e.g. study visa, work visa, research visa, Working Holiday visa, family reunification visa


ATTENTION: The booking procedure for national visas (study, work, Working holiday, family reunification etc.) has been changed. It is no longer possible to reserve an appointment directly on our website. However, you can register on our visa waiting list. Date and time of your appointment will be announced via email around two weeks prior to the appointment reserved for you.


주의사항: 국가 비자(유학, 취업, 워킹 홀리데이, 가족동반 등) 부문에 대한 방문예약시스템이 변경되었습니다. 직접 예약은 더 이상 불가능합니다. 현 시점부터는 예약 대기자 명단에 등록하시면 방문일 기준 2주 전쯤 방문일자와 시간을 알려드립니다.
