Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Shanghai

Please choose an area

Waiting Lists Visa (over 90 days)

Good day, 

You can register here on a waiting list that corresponds to the purpose of your planned stay. The visa office will book the next available date for you.


1) Please take the necessary time to enter all your details correctly. You will not be able to check the data you have entered after registration.

If your details are incorrect, you can cancel your entry and re-enter your name on the waiting list. However, the system will need time to process your entry, cancellation and re-registration. Please be patient if you are unable to re-register straight away.

2) Please only register in the category that corresponds to your travel purpose.

If it is discovered at your personal appointment that you have registered in the wrong category, you will have to book another appointment for the correct category. Further information can be found on our website: 

3) Please also check your spam folder to see if you have received a confirmation message.

A message will be sent within 30 minutes, depending on your email provider.


Passport and German-ID

If you wish to apply for a new passport or a new identity card, you may schedule an appointment here. Applications without  scheduled appointment will be refused.

Please note that the processing time for the issuance of a passport is currently up to 6 weeks; by paying an additional express fee the processing time is 2 - 3 weeks.


Important: The appointment is only valid for one person. You may apply for a passport and/or ID card with one appointment. For multiple family members, individual appointments need to be scheduled with the information of each applicant; in the case of minors the information of the each child is required.

All passport applicants must appear in person. This also applies to minors and infants.


Appointments scheduled with false information will be canceled by the Consulate General


Please read the leaflet on this Consulate General's website and bring all required documents to the appointment; incomplete applications will be refused.


If you wish to apply for a first German passport for a child born in China, a birth registration might be required beforehand. In these cases, please do not schedule a passport appointment! Instead, please send an e-mail to this Consulate General and you will receive information if a passport can be applied for right away or if an appointment for birth registration/name declarationin the category "Family Affairs" has to be scheduled first.

The required application forms can be found here:

You will find the required documents in the following information sheets: Passport und Identity card.

Further important information on the application process, e.g. passport applications for minors, can be found HERE.

The application documents must be submitted as originals or certified copies.


You can buy biometric passport photos (35x45mm) here:

  • Shanghai Center, Room West Office 105A, No. 1376, West Nanjing Road, Jingan District, Shanghai
  • Photo booth at Jing'an Temple Metro Station
  • Photo booth in the German Consulate General in Shanghai


In the event that your scheduled appointment cannot take place due to circumstances the Consulate General cannot take the responsibility for (i.e. office closure at short notice due to exteme weather warnings etc.) the Consulate General will offer you an alternative timely appointment. Opening hours and information at short notice will be published on the website of this Consulate General Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai


如果在您所预约的时间,总领事馆受不可抗拒因素(比如因极端天气预警导致临时闭馆等)的影响而无法对外开放,总领事馆将尽快为您另行安排预约。临时闭馆的时间和相关紧急通知也会在官网上公布。Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai



If you would like to book an appointment please click CONTINUE:



Birth-, Marriage Registration, Acknowledgement of paternity and Divorce recognition

Would you like to register the birth of your child and apply for a German birth certifiacte?

You got married abroad and want to register your marriage in Germany to get a German marriage certificate?

Have you been divorced abroad and would like to have your divorce recognized in German jurisdiction and/or return to your name before marriage

Would you like to acknowledge paternity to a child under German law?

In these cases it is necessary to contact the Consulate General in Shanghai beforehand. Please do not book an appointment until you have received a booking code from the Consulate General.

Please send an e-mail with your request to

All information on civil status and the required documents can be found HERE


Multiple appointments or appointments scheduled with obviously false information or which have been scheduled without the proper booking code will be canceled by the Consulate General.


In the event that your scheduled appointment cannot take place due to circumstances the Consulate General cannot take the responsibility for (i.e. office closure at short notice due to exteme weather warnings etc.) the Consulate General will offer you an alternative timely appointment. Opening hours and information at short notice will be published on the website of this Consulate General Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai


如果在您所预约的时间,总领事馆受不可抗拒因素(比如因极端天气预警导致临时闭馆等)的影响而无法对外开放,总领事馆将尽快为您另行安排预约。临时闭馆的时间和相关紧急通知也会在官网上公布。Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai


Signature certifications / 签字公证

The Consulate General Shanghai can only certify signatures on documents that are linked to the German jurisdiction. Clients must have their habitual residence either in Shanghai, Anhui, Zhejiang or Jiangsu. Should you reside in another province, please refer to the competent German mission.

A certified signature may be required for:

  • Power of Attorney
  • Notarial approvals (“Genehmigungserklärung”, e.g. real estate deals, divorce agreements.)
  • Waiving an inheritance
  • Application for a certificate of no impediment to marriage
  • Any other declaration that may by law require a certified signature

PLEASE NOTE! You do not need to book an appointment to have your signature certified when applying for a certificate of good conduct (Führungszeugnis).

Please consult the information on our website first: Chinese or German.

To certify your signature, the following documents must be presented:

  • A valid passport (a Chinese ID Card cannot be accepted)
  • The document that has to be signed
  • In case the signee should not understand German, a written translation into Chinese (or English, if the signee’s English language skills are sufficient) is required

The fee for a certification of signature is: 56,43 €uro. The fee is payable in RMB cash or through international credit cards (Master or Visa); the card will be debited in Euros.

If you are unsure whether you have gathered all required documents or you want to know beforehand if your signature can be certified on documents at the Consulate General, please e-mail copies of the relevant documents to

Please note: The German Consulate General is not allowed to certify signatures on bank documents due to money-laundering regulations.


Multiple appointments or appointments that have been scheduled under false pretenses will be deleted and the e-mail-address of the sender blocked by the Consulate General.


One appointment is for one person and max. 3 documents only!

To continue booking an appointment for a signature certification, click 'Continue' after the Chinese version.

In the event that your scheduled appointment cannot take place due to circumstances the Consulate General cannot take the responsibility for (i.e. office closure at short notice due to exteme weather warnings etc.) the Consulate General will offer you an alternative timely appointment. Opening hours and information at short notice will be published on the website of this Consulate General Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai



德国驻上海总领事馆只对用于德国法律范围内使用的证书/文件进行签名公证。此外,本馆只为常住地为上海、安徽、浙江或江苏的申请人进行签名公证! 如果您住在本馆辖区以外的地方,请联系负责您所在省市的德国驻华使领馆。


  • 委托书
  • 批准声明
  • 放弃继承的申请
  • 可婚证明的申请
  • 其它需要进行签字公证的声明




  • 有效护照(仅出示中国身份证是不够的)
  • 要签署的声明


如果签字人不确定所需提交的材料是否完整,或是否可以办理该公证,请将所要签署的文件材料寄至 进行预审。





如果一个文件上同时需要多人签名,则只需一个预约。 该情况下,请在“Art des Rechtsgeschäfts/法务类型”下给出在所选的预约时间一同前来签字的人数。




如果在您所预约的时间,总领事馆受不可抗拒因素(比如因极端天气预警导致临时闭馆等)的影响而无法对外开放,总领事馆将尽快为您另行安排预约。临时闭馆的时间和相关紧急通知也会在官网上公布。Internetseite Generalkonsulat Shanghai



