Appointment-System of the German Foreign Office — Shenyang

Please choose an area

Visa section
Visa appointments/ 签证预约
*** NEW: Online visa application in the Consular Services Portal ***
*** 最新发布:通过在线申请通道(Consular Services Portal)申请签证 ***
  • Starting from August 6, 2024, the Opportunity Card can only be applied for through the Consular Services Portal!

  • Certain visa applications for employment (e.g. for the EU Blue Card and for skilled workers) can now be submitted online in the new Consular Services Portal.

  • Required supporting documents can be added as PDF-documents.

  • Applicants then only need to visit the visa section to submit biometric data (fingerprints and photo) and to pay the fee.
  • 自2024年8月6日起机会卡类型签证只能通过在线申请通道(Consular Services Portal)进行申请!

  • 特定工作类型的签证申请(同样适用于欧盟蓝卡和专业技术人才)
    现在可以在新的在线申请通道(Consular Services Portal上进行。

  • 所需证明或申请材料请以PDF文件的格式上传。

  • 之后仅需前往签证处提交生物识别数据(指纹和照片)和支付签证费。>

ase book appointments for Schengen visas on the website of our 
visa acceptance centre
VfS Global.
您又可以重新在我们的签证中心VfS Global预约递交申根签证申请。

To apply for a visa to Germany and the Schengen States you are required to make an appointment.

You are required to submit your complete application in person to the German Consulate General.

Before scheduling an appointment we recommend to carefully read the information on how to apply for a visa. You will find this information as well as the necessary application forms on the website of the German missions abroad (German & Chinese only).

Please note that due to high demand an appointment may not be available at the date of your convenience.
Unfortunately, waiting time for an appointment can be several weeks during high season (usually between May and October) and before holidays.

To start your travel on time please apply for a visa as early as possible!

Please click on "continue" to start your visa appointment. Kindly choose a visa category according to your purpose of travel.



请您在进行预约前仔细阅读德国驻沈阳总领事馆官网公布的申请签证的相关信息。总领事馆网址为:签证和入境 - 德国外交部 ( 


为保证您能够如期出行,请尽早提交申请 !

如需预约提交签证申请的时间,请点击 "continue"。请根据旅行目的选择签证种类。


Passport Service
German Passports and ID Cards/德国护照 
此栏目 - 仅 - 供德国籍公民预约申请新护照使用,- 不 - 适用于预约申请签证时间。 通过此栏目为与申请德国护照无关的事宜预约的时间将不被认可及被取消。
The website of the German missions abroad contains comprehensive information on how to apply for a German passport/ ID Card or birth registration.
Please read these instructions carefully and make sure you have all necessery documents before you make an appointment.
To book an appointment or for more information on making an appointment, please click "continue" below.

Family Matters
Registration of a child's birth & first passport and Registration of a marriage
You can find all the information on civil status and the required documents here.

In these cases, please contact us in advance by e-mail at and attach the necessary documents scanned in.
We will check the documents for completeness in advance and then give you permission to book an appointment.

Birth announcement and first passport:

Information on birth notification and the corresponding form for registering the birth, issuing birth certificates and, if applicable, determining a family name can be found here.

For birth notification, please return the birth notification application and all other documents as mentioned in the leaflet to the above email address
(please send as pdf files and under 4MB). After preliminary examination of the documents you will be contacted by us as soon as possible.

For the appointment we usually need all documents as originals.

Chinese documents must be presented with an Apostille as part of the birth notification.
More information about the Apostille can be found here.

Marriage Registration:

Information on marriage registration and the related form for marriage registration, issuance of marriage certificates, and designation of a marriage name, if applicable, can be found here.


Legal and consular section
Notarization of signature and Declaration of commitment / 签名和承诺声明的认证
The Consulate General Shenyang can only certify signatures on documents that are linked to the German jurisdiction.
Clients must have their habitual residence either in the province Liaoning, Jilin or Heilongjiang.
Should you reside in another province, please refer to the competent German mission.

此外,本馆只为常住地为辽宁、吉林和黑龙江的申请人进行签名公证! 如果您住在本馆辖区以外的地方,请联系负责您所在省市的德国驻华使领馆。

Please consult the information on our website first.


Each applicant needs to make an individual appointment.


It is temporarily not possible to record the host's declaration of commitment at the same time as applying for a visa. Please arrange an appointment for this purpose that is earlier than the appointment for the visa application. Further information under the keyword "Verpflichtungserklärung" here.

你可以在这里找到关于 "承诺宣言 "的进一步信息。
